

by Cinthia Almeraz on Jul 13, 2020

She is 40 years old Mother of 2!
Wendy got into lifting 9 years ago, started with Crossfit and after getting stronger she realized she was craving a new challenge so she got into powerlifting & strongwoman in January and fell in love with it! In her own words “My children inspire me to keep pushing forward even when things get hard. Having them ask me to train them or tell me they want to be strong like me keeps me wanting to continue to work hard even on the days that I don’t have the energy to do so. My ultimate goal is to feel strong and fit. Learning to love my body no matter what it looks like”
Wendy is a huge inspiration to this brand for her passion to keep getting stronger & her desire to be a role model for her children!
Gracias Wendy , we are so proud of you & excited to see your journey 💪🏽

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